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First interview with new Googong Public School principal Rebekah Lindsay

First interview with new Googong Public School principal Rebekah Lindsay

Googong students will no longer have to travel into Karabar to attend school when the brand new Googong Public School opens in 2023. 

The school was promised to the Googong community in 2018 and has taken five years to come to fruition. The project is being fast-tracked as part of the NSW Government’s $3 billion Jobs and Infrastructure Acceleration Fund. 

An artist’s impression of Googong Public School.

Newly-appointed principal Rebekah Lindsay, whose extensive experience includes roles as the former principal at Cooma Public School, deputy principal at Queanbeyan East Public School and current vice president of the AECG (Aboriginal Education Consultative Group), says she is excited about bringing public education to the Googong community. 


“When the opportunity arose to apply for the principal position at Googong Public School, I jumped at it,” Ms Lindsay says.

“To establish a brand new school, recruit an entire staff and start from scratch is an exciting prospect. Being a community-minded person and local to the Queanbeyan area, I feel my values will align closely with those of our Googong families.”

Principal Rebekah Lindsay outside the Googong Public School site with assistant principal Micheal Schwetz.

When it opens, Googong Public School will be one of the largest schools in the Queanbeyan region; able to accommodate more than 700 students. Ms Lindsay says the school is anticipating it will have 500 students enrolled on day one. 

The school site in Googong North, adjacent to the shopping village, will be home to 33 permanent air-conditioned learning spaces including a school canteen, hall, administration and staff facilities, air-conditioned library and a covered outdoor learning area (COLA).

Additionally, the school will house state-of-the-art facilities including flexible teaching and learning spaces, three Supported Learning classrooms, special programs rooms and a green space. 

“The school has been designed to include collaborative learning spaces, enabling a future-focused model of teaching and learning,” Ms Lindsay says. 


The school’s classrooms and administration rooms were pre-fabricated off-site and can be seen in their protective plastic on the right.

“We’ll have a well-resourced library, air conditioned learning spaces, as well as large outdoor learning areas. A multipurpose sports court and large outdoor play spaces will further enhance sporting and social opportunities for our students. Having before and after school care onsite will also be a huge benefit to the community.”

Googong Public School’s logo is made up of beautiful blue and green hues and has been created in consultation with the local community. Symbolic references were included in a modern layered design, as advised by local Ngambri elder Matilda House. 

“Community, environment, caring for the Land, innovation and creating pathways and opportunities for students were common themes that emerged from all key stakeholders,” Ms Lindsay says.

“Our logo design and uniform concept are reflective of these key themes.”

Ms Lindsay and school business manager Fran Fisher have been busy processing enrolments and working on recruiting staff for the school. The appointment of deputy principal Sam Doran was announced in June, and the school’s four assistant principals were announced earlier this month.

“We’ve been successful in recruiting 90 per cent of our executive team, with the remainder of the teaching and support staff positions being advertised in the coming weeks,” Ms Lindsay says.

Googong Public School’s four assistant principals: Dave Marchant (left), Jacqui Cooke (top right), Michael Schwetz (middle right) and Bonita Broughton (bottom right).

Ms Lindsay says a strong focus on extracurricular learning will see Googong students be participants in many of the region’s education, sports and community events.

“We’ll be an active member and participants in the PSSA (Primary School Sports Association) events, the Queanbeyan District Arts Festival, debating and public speaking challenges, Queanbeyan Choral Festival, and many other network initiatives including Aboriginal education events.”

Googong Public will be the central education hub for the region including Burra, Royalla and Mount Pleasant, and has already formed its P&C with the assistance of QPRC Mayor Kenrick Winchester.

Mr Winchester has assisted with the operations of multiple Parents and Citizen’s committees in the Queanbeyan region and said Ms Lindsay and her team have his full support.

“The heart of a strong community is a fantastic public school, it will be a great addition to the Googong community,” Mr Winchester says.

“Rebekah is a superstar, I’ve been lucky enough to see her in action when she was an assistant principal at Queanbeyan East, she’s going to build a brilliant school with a unique and amazing culture.

“I look forward to seeing the Googong children grow and thrive at the new school.” 

QPRC Mayor Kenrick Winchester (far left) and principal Rebekah Lindsay (far right) with Googong Public School’s newly-appointed P&C.

Ms Lindsay acknowledges the school has been in the planning stage for a long time and has been overwhelmed by Googong residents’ support and enthusiasm to finally have their own school.

Bringing community together is essential for a successful school,” she says.

“We will have lots of opportunities for our students and families to get together, meet each other and build relationships with our staff. Some upcoming opportunities next term are the meet and greet BBQ, information evenings, Kindergarten orientation sessions and face-to-face informal sessions to chat with the staff.

“We’re also visiting local preschools and meeting some of our future students.

“As soon as we’re able, we’ll host learning walks and tours through the school.”

If you’ve enrolled your child at Googong Public School and are unsure of the progress of your application, email the school:

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About the Author: Holly Winchester

Part Jennifer Coolidge, part Jennifer Garner (gaudy and geeky), Holly idolises Dolly Parton and Princess Di and loves NRL. When she's not creating killer content, you’ll find Holly at the Maccas drive thru getting her chai latte fix or buying 1990s memorabilia for the walls of her Googong home. Specialist subject: the Woolies carpark.